This section contains an overview of the entire archives produced by Albert G. Wilson during his lifetime of work.
Al often wore long sleeve shirts with a pocket. Those of us privileged to know him became used to his pulling a set of index cards from his pocket and a pen to write down some insight he heard from someone in conversation (he made everyone feel like they were fonts of wisdom), or some intriguing question or reference to follow up on, or some insight that had just occurred to him in the moment.
Sometimes he converted these index cards to typewritten text, sometimes they were left as scribbled cards, and sometimes he typed essays into his computer directly. This section tries to communicate the extent, status, and legibility of that nearly 100 years of collected notes.
Archive Statistics
The totality of the archive holdings are summarized here in a single table. Overall, they produce the following list of holdings (by type):
- 108 Notebooks on the various topics in this web map
- 10,828 Total Pages
- 184 Unscanned Manilla Folders of ~10,000 additional pages of handwritten notes
- 2,578 Scanned & Input Pages on Science
- 909 Scanned & Input Pages on General Systems Isomorphies alone.
- About a six-foot stack of Index (3×5) Notecards in handwriting (yet unexamined)
- Probably 5000+ Books on all these included topics
All but the book library are in residence in the Eomega2 Office at 232 Harrison Blvd, Suite B, Claremont, California, 91711. Scholars wishing to examine any of these records should contact the curator at 909-374-6115. Any thing above can be studied or examined directly after an appointment is made.