Publications and Papers 1966-1969
- Structural Parallels in Cosmic Aggregates
- Structural Parallels in Non-Degenerate Cosmic bodies
- Classification of Material Systems (after Shapley)
- 48-inch Schmidt for Lunar Observations
- Distributions of Redshifts of Radio Sources and Rich Clusters (6/14/66)
- Cosmic Numbers (10/22/68)
- The Dimensionless Physical Constants and Basic Mathematical Constants (6/17/66)
- Gravitational Potentials of Cosmic Bodies
- A Charlier-Type Cosmological Model
- Homogeneous Cosmological Models with Bounded Potential (May 1967)
- New Methods of Thought and Procedure (Zwicky and Wilson – May 1967 – Cal-Tech)
- Morphology and Modularity
- Freeway Design Parameters
- An Empirical Relation in Pulsar Periods (June 1968)
Publications and Papers 1969
- Gravitational Studies
- Closure, Entity and Level
- Draft copies of Hierarchical Structure in the Cosmos
- A Taxonomy of Hierarchy
- Cause of Hierarchy
- Hierarchical Structure in Nature and Artifact (June 1969)
- Discovery, Invention, Research, Through the Morphological Approach